Personas Revised


Brittney- Persona 1
Persona 1: Brittney
Name: Brittney
Demographic: Sporadic Gamer, 30 y.o., works full time, female
Descriptive Title: Sporadic Player
End Goals:
She wants to share her experiences playing games in a setting that does not have any trash talk or trolling. She wants to see if there are any other people who play the same games she does, and whether they want to play with her online.
Quote: Games are great, especially when I find one that I like and can afford it.
A Day in a Life Narrative:
Brittney works full time at a hospital, and has played video games off and on since childhood when her mother bought a Nintendo. She does not have a console or dedicated gaming computer, but is able to play games that are not too taxing on her computer. Brittney has a friend or two that have a console and will play with them once or twice a month. One of her main issues is the cost of entry, with most of her income going towards essentials. She would play more if she could. When she finds a game she likes and can afford, she plays consistently until it is completed. Brittney does not consider herself a gamer because she does not have a dedicated gaming machine, and does not play on a regular basis.
End Goals:
Brittney wants to find a community of players similar to her, in that she plays sporadically and doesn’t have a gaming system of her own. She wants to find ways of finding ways to play games that are affordable, and to find games similar to the ones she enjoys.


Persona 2: Steve
Persona 2: Steve
Name: Steve
Demographic: Gamer, PC and Console User, 22 y.o., Undergraduate Student, Minority
Descriptive Title: Gamer
Quote: I play games not because I don’t have a life, but because I choose to have many.
A Day in a Life Narrative:
Steve plays games for several hours a week, and usually plays something every other day. He schedules his play time around classes, homework, and a 10 hour/week job on campus. He enjoys gaming because it is much more entertaining than watch movies, and it gives him a sense of pride and accomplishment when he finishes a game. Since Steve plays online both on a console and PC, he is familiar with technology and the communities for gaming, especially those his friends frequent. He splits his time playing online with friends and single-player only games. He enjoys the sense of camaraderie that develops when having a shared experience in a game.
End Goals:
He wants to share his experiences playing games in a setting that does not have any trash talk or trolling. He wants to see if there are any other people who play the same games he does, and whether they want to play with him online.
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