Comparing Network and Visual Tools

My last three posts highlight a particular tool for visualizing data. Each site has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing which one to use depends upon what outcome the user wants to show.

Voyant is a useful tool for use in conjunction with text mining. It will use the same dataset used for that practice to show key trends within the information. It can provide users with the common words and phrases used. The visuals provided with Voyant are line graphs that show these words and phrases throughout the dataset.

CartoDB uses geographic information within datasets to display the information on a map. This allows users to see the geographic relationships within the topics of their dataset. The various types of maps it can produces will highlight different aspects of the information.

Palladio, while it does have a map feature, relies on its ability to visualize how pieces of information provided related to others within it. The main output is in the form of word maps, which can complement the line graphs that Voyant provides.

Each tool allows users to gain a particular insight into the information. By seeing the information displayed visually, rather than textually, researchers are able to see various relationships that may not come across through reading the material. Seeing which words are used most often can provide the common language of the time, while seeing a map of where events took place can show some of the biases within the information.

Choosing which tool to use boils down to a couple key questions. The first is what the dataset includes. If there is no geographic information, CartoDB has little to no use. But if there is a long history within the dataset, Voyant can track word usage and vocabulary trends over time. And finally, if there are a wide variety of topics that can be compared with each other, Palladio may be the best option.

There is no rule saying only one tool can be used, and if the dataset has enough information all three can be utilized effectively to highlight different aspects of it.

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